Sri Lanka youth are faced with critical challenges for learning creative skills for employment, participation and dialog. “Paint a Rainbow – Creative Media Skills for Youth” project aims to develop creativity and media skills among students and teachers to help making a positive impact in their communities and gain creative skills for future employment.  

The Project

Development goal:

Development of creative media skills, participation and dialog among youth for making a positive impact in society.

Project objectives:

To train youth in creative digital media creation to increase employment potential and to enable creative expression and dialog for making positive impact in their communities.

Project Activities:

  1. The project shall produce an interactive e curriculum for learning digital media creation and civics based on national curriculum. School teachers, Experts of National Institute of Education shall involve in authoring and review of the training curriculum. 

  2. A training of trainer (TOT) program conducted to train 40 civic media educators to help train students in schools and telecentres.

  3. 25 young people and 5 teachers shall be in civic media creation in each community.

  4. Local Governance Awareness Tour shall be taken by youth and teachers.

  5. The 40 communities shall take part in a civic media competition.

  6. The winning youth media shall be exhibited online and at 10 regional exhibitions.
  7. The participants and best youth media created shall be awarded certificates and prizes.

Project Locations:

  • The project shall be implemented in 40 communities through Schools and Nenasala Telecentres. The selected locations shall have computer lab with internet accessible to students and teachers after school hours. The project implemented as an extracurricular activity. Each school/Telecentre shall select 25 youth, 5 teachers and one civic media trainer to be trained.  Each teacher and 5 youth shall create a media project for the civic media competition facilitated by civic media trainer. The students and teachers selected shall have ICT literacy. The key age group targeted is 14-18. Each student selected need to have parental permission for participation in the project.


    The project shall conduct series of local seminars and workshops. TOT program shall include regional residential workshops. Their goal is to help students and teachers to complete media projects. The C & G national curriculum shall be used as guide for civic awareness.  The youth shall take part in a local governance awareness tour. E learning shall be used to enhance TOT and youth training.

    The course content covers
  • Civic Awareness, Expression and Dialog
  • Internet Skills
  • Digital Photography
  • Graphics and Image Editing
  • Script Writing
  • Video Production
  • Video Editing
  • Audio Production
  • Media Law & Ethics
  • Exhibition and Promotion

    The training course shall be based on Adobe Youth Voices (AYV) "create with purpose" model. AYV is a worldwide philanthropic program done by Adobe Foundation, USA. AYV program is aimed at empowering of young people to create digital media for expression and dialog for making positive impact in their communities. AYV provides Adobe Software Free for young people and educators. Adobe Photoshop is specified in Secondary school ICT curriculum, hence benefit schools and telecentres.

Monitoring & Evaluation:
A needs assessment carried out at the beginning of the project to establish base data and shared with stakeholders. The regional partners implementing the project in local communities shall keep training logs and activity records. The M & E data collected by project team shall evaluate project outcomes and impact to produce a case study at the end of the project. 

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